Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Outlook Online Sessions

After the success of the online session last week, I have added some more dates for the 90 Min Outlook Tips, Tricks and Shortcuts training course. Register for just £9.99 No webcams or microphones required, all you need is a Windows 10 PC, internet connection and some speakers! Check out dates and times here:

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Office365 Name Change

Office365 to become Microsoft 365. Microsoft ditching the 'Office' name and just going with 'Microsoft 365' from April 21st.


Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Outlook Online Training

Great 90 min training session on Friday in Outlook shortcuts, tips and tricks. Here’s a great one to keep handy, if you receive an email and want to reply with a meeting appointment instead of an email, do this: Ctrl + Alt + R Interested in learning these shortcuts and more in Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint or Office365, contact me at: